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  • Writer's pictureFiona Smith

Ecosystem Accounting workshop in TCD by Mark Eigenraam, IDEEA Group/Catherine Farrell, BnaM

Leading developer of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA) Mark Eigenraam was in Dublin recently to deliver a workshop on Ecosystem Accounting, with an accompanying presentation by Bord na Mona's Catherine Farrell on applying the system within the Irish company.  Mark, Director of the Institute for the Development of Environmental-Economic Accounting (IDEEA Group) in Melbourne, headed the working group to develop the UN-supported statistical standard of environmental accounting, set to be formally recognised in 2020 once its review process is complete.

In the course of the event, he discussed how the model works in practice as applied at a farm and local level, saying: "One of the key messages coming through is it's more than accounting in the traditional sense of looking at tables, this is actually spatial accounting - you start with location, the spatial context is important as it's the recognition of the relationship between people, economies, urban centres and the environment."

The workshop took place in Trinity College's Botany Department on April 12, and was followed by a talk on the development of an Ecosystem accounting model for the rehabilitation of peat bogs for Bord na Mona by Dr Farrell.

You can watch both presentations below.

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