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Writer's pictureFiona Smith

Exploring Natural Capital Solutions for our Shared Marine Environment Seminar Presentations

L-R, Carl Obst, IDEEA Group; Gráinne Devine, BIM; Jane Stout, Chair of IFNC; Jim O'Toole, CEO, BIM and Mark Eigenraam, IDEEA. Photo by Julien Behal

Bord Iascaigh Mhara and the Irish Forum on National Capital recently joined forces on a senior stakeholder breakfast seminar to explore how Ireland and its marine sector can use natural capital approaches on its sustainable development journey.

Speakers on the November 13, 2019 seminar in Dublin's Royal College of Physicians included IFNC Chair Jane Stout, reporting on NatCap work in Ireland to date and IDEEA Group's Mark Eigenraam and Carl Obst on their work in developing and applying a System of Environmental-Economic Accounting.

During the seminar, which was supported by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, Carl said: “Natural capital accounting recognises and accounts for our relationship with and dependence on the environment. By adopting the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting, BM is providing national leadership in the seafood sector in Ireland.”

You can download all the presentation slides from the seminar below:

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